Dr. Xxxxxxxx holds a XxXxxxxx in Consumer Behavior and is currently a Professor of Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx at Harvard Business School. Xxxxxxxx research specializes in consumer behavior and marketing, with a focus on digital and direct marketing. Xxxxxxxx research on marketing management and consumer behavior has been published in a variety of journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, Organizational Behavior, and Human Decision Processes, and the Harvard Business Review. Xxxxxxx is a past editor of the Journal of Consumer Research and the founding co-editor of the Journal of Interactive Marketing, both leading outlets for scholarly research on consumer behavior and marketing research. Xxxxxxx teaches in the area of Big Data in Marketing, and previously initiated and led the XXXxxxxx Executive Education program in Digital Marketing and taught the elective MBA course, Digital Marketing Strategy. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx conducts research at the intersection of information technology and marketing. Xxxxxxx is interested in the complementary uses of human and artificial intelligence and creativity in areas such as advertising, content creation, and online retailing. Xxxxxxx studies, on one hand, how data, particularly data that profiles individuals and depicts their social relationships, is gathered, processed, and applied by firms to acquire and retain customers. Dr. Xxxxxxxx has previous expert witness experience, including patent litigation experience.
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